While you complain about the lsnguage of adultery--
homewrecker (which I agree is a tired, relatively meaningless term), you go on to insult "bible " throwers which apparently include people who have no religious convictions, but have beliefs based on their own sense of morality. You insult people who haven't read Gottman, whom, I'm sorry, was and is not the "second coming" when it comes to marriage. He and. his wife have done excellent work that integrates the empirical with the clinical, but your sarcasm about people who haven't read a 1999 book is ridiculous.
Peop;e in their "60's are not "old," and I have seen the full range of outcomes as in younger couples. And while one situation may highlight the poisonous relationship that a wife has perpetuated, you cannot generalize to all marriages that go bad.
You write about women like we're all the wicked stepmother with the poisonous apple.
If you want to "emote," differentiate "your truth" from "the truths"
There is clearly an energy for this subject and you have the ability to write in a compelling way. But it's very different to make impassioned statements and have a certain voice, without the gratuitous insults that do nothing for your thesis. And as your title sugggests, name calling advances nothing.
Congrats on the growth of the site. I think you have a winner here.