Michelle-- an addendum to your comment about trying to write in these crazy times. I feel a restlessness that I think is coming with age about making our wiser (and fearful) voices heard. I was wondering about a few of us matriarchs could maybe get a pub to give us space where we collectively say the things we don't even know we know yet, Im not talking about a protest letter--Im talking about writing about the issues through memoir, or essay, poetry photo, but with the attitude of I am wiser than you know and
"we shall not be moved." I don't know about this pub. I have had some cognitive reversals and can't remember how to become a writer
(as in, sending my info somewhere) Things are not going well there, so I'm unable to join any of the new pubs. I feel much like your cake, /anyway, let me know about "Women of a Certain Age"
Up and down last night after
White House debacle. martha