In many ways this had nothing to do with sedaris and everything to do with you. Substitute anyone's name in their-- someone youthought you would like and didn't because they weren't especially funny or they were offensive. It was about making your judgement and acting on it--screw how every single person reacts. I cringed as I read that personal process of walking out. I mean we are in fact paying for the privilege. It's not charity work that they are doing. I find myself more frequently disappointed at people I thought were great either the humor does not amuse me (or I'm getting cranky). Sometimes it strikes me a cheap shot stuff.
I loved your decision to take yourself out and the deals you had to make with yourself to follow through. Having just been divorced, it was so "on the money". You have more personal essays in you.
I've felt good with The Age of Empathy and the Memoirist for sending my personal narratives. Im headed for a date with myself to the movies. And if I don't like it, Im just going to walk out!