I still dont know who the hell ashey madison is and I can't remember what it was about. But I have not forgotten our agreement that I would write something when I think of what to say.
I was thinking of something like "What to do with what's left." or something-- Anyway the problem is that it's not specifically about an affair (tho there was one)... but in the loss of a marriage, there are bound to be things left over...in addition of children and rage. I have pneumonia and am a little nutty on cough meds but here were two associations !) a huge tornado hit my grandparents beloved beach house, where I had spent every summer of my life.
When the water receded it looked like the one total loss. My grandfather, an enormously practical CPA, said Cmon Mildred, lets just let the insurance adjusters take care of it /" She went from room to room and picked up the sorriest ass stuff, but she filled a couple of big bags, telling us that the stuff
"could be saved" 2)
This week I got wicked sick. Classic me, I got pneumonia and a day later got an attack of bursitis on the way home from the fucking doctors and ended up in the er from hell again. No one was available to take me in my leg brace home (a possible lyft disaster). I called my separated husband. He helped me out and then when we were waiting for scripts we watched a part of a movie we had both adored. At the end he went back to his
______. ________girlfriend. Life is so strange.
As you can probably tell, Im in no shape to write it now, but I really don't have the energy to write about betrayal and anger. As a piece of writing this interests me more. But its ok if you dont like it. Can you tell I'm intoxicated? Hope you are well mmm