I don't know where to start. You have hit on so many issues that literally keep me up at night. There was so much that I wished you had written separate posts on each of the issues.
I am a retired clinical psychologist. I am also a sufferer of BP11, highly recurrent, anxiety and several years ago, due to a medication screw up, had three weeks of psychosis, with horrible paranoia. It was the worst experience of my life.
I am one of the privileged, and still, things suck.
I benefit greatly from ECT, but the first few times, I had to be hospitalized. I hated it beyond expression. Typically, I got more humanity from the good techs, that anyone above them on the totem pole, The infantilization, the idiocy of what was called psych social therapy. coloring pages. and submitting to the "benign" control of the staff
were just too much to take.
To address the suicide issue, I was appalled by your reporting. The seduction of fire arms is so alarming. It takes away all of the ruminating (in a good way) of people who are on the edge. People should know what could happen if they contact a
phone service. Yes, that might be a disconnect for the impulsive lethal sufferer. I have no answers except the names of several people I knew, who died by firearms, and the pain I feel about it.