At the beginning of my time "alone"--which was not by choice, I could not imagine that my life would recover from the uncertainty, the rage, the self-hatred that came from being told after a 43 marriage that I was toast. I perceptively I regained my footing. We were separated for 5 years and came together in a very different way. I was thrilled every time I said, "Oh no, I did it this way now." The first time he said, "You've changed" it wasn't exactly complimentary." I said 'thank you" and if you want to stick around, you need to keep remembering it! Thanks for your story,

Martha Manning, Ph.D.
Martha Manning, Ph.D.

Written by Martha Manning, Ph.D.

Dr. Martha Manning is a writer and clinical psychologist, author of Undercurrents and Chasing Grace. Depression sufferer. Mother. Growing older under protest.

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